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  • what is teenage love

It's staying up late for each other and barely staying awake in class the next day.
It's passing each other between classes and stopping to say Hi, but ending up running to your next class right before the bell rings.

It's going to the mall, wandering around hand in hand, with a silence that's comfortable.

It's watching a movie in the theaters with his arm slowly creeping onto your shoulders and you resting your head in his arms.

It's walking around at night, for no reason at all, his chest,her head, looking at the stars.

It's uncertainty of how long it will last, a risk you're both willing to take, even if means you'll have a broken heart.

It's not yet true love, not like, nor lust, no infatuation. It's teeange love, here to stay, here to play with our hearts and never to go away.


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nuff tido??refresh r ape lg ^_^



